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If you are reading this, you are probably sick and tired of being sick and tired and looking for alternative forms of healing. I want you to know you're not alone.

Benefits Reported by Patients




Less Inflammation


Pain Relief


Better Circulation


More Energy


Improved Mood


Improved Balance


Improved Vision


Improved Sleep


Injury Recovery

My Testimony

I was so unwell and so sick when I was first diagnosed with lupus in 2005. I thank God for my regained health and it has been an incredible 19-year journey. I've gotten so much of my health back, naturally.


My podcast, Thriving Within, goes into the full story of my healing journey which you can listen to by clicking below. This blog focuses specifically on Tennant BioModulator and BioTransducer available at


In March 2022, I had a lupus flare overnight.  When a flare happens, it comes on like a light switch with no real warning. It can be anywhere from extreme joint pain in multiple areas, or it can be tachycardia with a racing heart rate and shortness of breath, or it can be overwhelming fatigue...there's really no rhyme or reason to how it manifests.


That lupus flare in March 2022 caused me to pass out and fall onto the tiled bathroom floor. I did sustain a concussion and maybe it was that blow to my head that made me intensely realize I've got to be doing something different. I thanked God I was so much better than in 2005, but I still wasn't completely well having these strange flares 2 to 3 times a year.


So for the remainder of 2022, I did my best to research alternative forms of treatment for chronic long-term degenerative issues such as lupus. The research I did was extensive and took about nine months. I learned that there are A LOT of products and devices in the area of quantum healing, and energy medicine. I am a very skeptical and cautious Physical Therapist when it comes to alternative modes of healing. I've had a number of patients in my 20+ years of practice who have purchased equipment or products thinking it is the "magic bullet" only to find it never really helped their specific issues.
Some of the criteria that I used when doing research beyond personal testimony was: the longevity of the company or how long it's been around. Logically, a company with longevity and sustainability must have legitimacy. In other words, if the product is good it will sell, and the company will be in business for a long time. 


Also, the business structure of that company was very important to me as I was researching alternative methods of healing. I've had experiences in the past with businesses that are multilevel marketing (MLM) companies. Some of my experiences were positive, and some of those experiences were overwhelmingly negative. Anything that was structured like a network marketing company was a big red flag to me. So, if a company was less than five years old or was an MLM, that company went very low on my list of possibilities. My extensive research led me to a number of devices and technologies that may have been good, but they had the MLM structure or they were very new companies.


Dr. Jerry Tennant


During my exhaustive research, I kept coming back to Dr. Jerry Tennant and his book, "Healing is Voltage". I discovered the company Senergy and their business model was very simple. After purchasing their equipment, they provide all of the training for free. There were no gimmicks or contracts. It was just a simple straight-up investment in my health. Also, the company has been in business for over 20 years and that meant a lot to me, so in December 2022, I invested in a BioModulator and a BioTransducer from Senergy.


I started the "daily protocol" immediately and had excellent support along the way. My body is very sensitive and the daily protocol was a little too much for my body initially, so for me, I reduced the amount of microcurrent and scalar energy by about half and my body could tolerate that, so I slowly brought up the energy to their recommended protocol. 


In about two weeks, the first thing I noticed was having absolutely no headaches, which was something I was struggling with--headaches, and migraines--on a weekly basis that I managed with Tylenol or other medications, but I really wanted to be medication-free. As of this writing, it is November 2024 and I have had no headaches or migraines, or medication for lupus since December 2022! For almost 2 years I am headache free, symptom-free, and drug-free. Anytime I do feel a headache coming on if I've had a stressful day, I hydrate then I do just the first two steps of the 5-step daily protocol and, so far, it will take that headache away in 10 to 15 minutes. It's truly incredible. I never thought something could be so effective at managing my symptoms. 


The protocol is designed to regulate the parasympathetic system. In other words, the daily protocol helps your brain and your body to relax and activate the "rest and digest" healing nervous system. The whole protocol takes anywhere from 30 to 45 minutes. It is very easy to incorporate into my daily life and it is so worth it.


CRP Levels

CPR Levels

About six months into the daily protocol I had routine bloodwork done. Since being diagnosed with lupus, an inflammatory marker that is usually measured is called CRP. Ideally, it should be under 1.0 but I'm always between 3.0-4.0. Sometimes it's 3.7 sometimes it's 3.2 but it's always above a 3.0 consistently for over 15 years. Below is a photo of my CRP levels in June 2023. I've never had such a low score of 1.3 which is incredible to me! The only thing I have been doing differently is the daily protocol recommended by Senergy every day. I was totally blown away.
As my husband saw changes in me of how much more energy I had, how much better I was feeling, and how much better I was sleeping he slowly became less skeptical but was not using the BioModulator and BioTransducer on a regular basis.




In the summer of 2023, my husband had a shingles outbreak which can be very painful. I immediately called Senergy for what to do outside of the daily protocol to see if we could decrease the pain and inflammation before the shingles flare completely erupted. Below are before and after pictures which again blew me away and flabbergasted my husband's doctors. We were following, the daily protocol plus a shingles protocol twice a day. The photos below are taken five days apart. All of the shingles blisters completely healed and my husband thankfully never had the extreme pain that can come with shingles.


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Content Warning: Rash
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Content Warning: Rash

5 Days Later

I have since been using the FDA-cleared BioModulator in my Physical Therapy practice for a number of patients, and I've seen incredible results with arthritis, autism, Hashimoto/thyroid issues, Lyme, Lupus, treatment of fractures, and post-surgical inflammation. Results will vary from person to person, but there has been such a strong pattern of healing consistently over time that I have to share this information.


Feel free to contact me using the phone number or email below. If you are interested in learning more, you can reach out to Senergy and schedule a free consult with a representative by going to their website below. I hope the best for you and your healing journey and know that I'm always here to try to answer any of your questions. Be well. 

Contact Us

Location - By Appointment Only

11401 Old Glenn Hwy #101B
Eagle River, AK 99577

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